London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham




Hammersmith and Fulham


Surface to Air Architects were appointed to act as Client Design Advisor (CDA) for London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham, from the inception of its schools building programme. In this role, Surface to Air performed a range of tasks to help ensure that the schools delivered were of the highest quality. Surface to Air worked with all 13 secondary school in the borough and also a number of primary schools.

The project brief was to define ways in which the council can develop and achieve its vision of a borough wide campus for learning. This involved liaising directly with the schools and key stakeholders through a consultation process, which includes the delivery of a series of workshops, presentations, seminars and reference site visits in the UK and abroad. Surface to Air worked particularly closely with The Bridge Academy and Sacred Heart High School. We also identify key design issues and educational priorities with individual schools and created the school specific Education and Design Briefs. Our aim was to support the client with our expertise and equip them with the right tools for assessing design quality through the procurement process.